Sara Taylor


Sara balances her real-life anecdotes with research-based theories to deliver for her reader what she delivers for her clients: aha moments with tangible strategies for practical application.

Sought after as a thought leader in her field of Cultural Competence, Taylor adeptly explains complex concepts and theories with simple, straight-forward language elucidated with real-world examples and stories.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking to grow themselves and see the world with a new view. It’s a wonderful book for anyone in business as it can really show you how to better interact with people who are not like you.
— Blogger, Honeybee Tells
In this high-pressured world, I’ve learned how to make quick decisions about people and then focus the conversation on what we have in common so that I can avoid making waves. In Filter Shift, Sara Taylor has opened my eyes and heart to see the rich complexity of differences among every two of us.
— Jan Hively

Filter Shift

Filter Shift describes

  • the overall concepts of Filters, Frames and Filter Shift

  • the quagmires where most of us—nearly 70%--get stuck

  • why the Golden Rule isn’t effective
  • how we all frequently deny the obvious
  • how focusing on our similarities isn’t helpful
  • why only 2.5% of us are in the last, most effective stage where we are able to Filter Shift

The vast majority of people are unknowingly controlled by their Filters. Operating in their unconscious mind, their Filters determine how they see themselves and others.

Because they are reformed by their past experiences, they believe their Filters to be an accurate reflection of reality, even when they aren’t.

In many ways, they have free rein as police, judge and jury determining what is right and wrong, good and bad, professional and unprofessional. They decide.


New for 2018! The Filter Shift Discussion Guide!

Dear Reader,

I originally designed the Discussion Guide for my brother’s book club. They had read the book and wanted guidance for their discussion.

Since then, it’s been used by work groups in team meetings, individuals wanting to dive deeper in their development and executive teams looking for shared language and structure to guide their discussions.

I’d love to hear from you to hear how you’re using it, what works and what, if anything you’d love to see changed.

Happy Filter Shifting!
